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Common Misconceptions About Dental Implants Debunked
February 27, 2024

Common Misconceptions About Dental Implants Debunked

If some of your teeth had to be extracted due to cavities, infection, or other oral issues, you must be looking for the best alternative to natural teeth. In such a scenario, dental implants are your optimal option. Among the different cutting-edge dental procedures available today, dental implants are one of the most popular ones.

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How Wisdom Tooth Extraction Improves Oral Health
February 26, 2024

How Wisdom Tooth Extraction Improves Oral Health

Our bodies have their unique way of expressing growth and maturity. Among these milestones stands the arrival of a wisdom tooth, scientifically referred to as a third molar.  These sets of molars usually appear in late adolescence or early adulthood, roughly between the ages of 17 and 25. This period, symbolically associated with gaining wisdom,

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Signs that Indicate You Need to Extract Your Wisdom Tooth
February 25, 2024

Signs that Indicate You Need to Extract Your Wisdom Tooth

Wisdom teeth, as known to all, are the last set of teeth that grow in one’s adulthood. Also known as ‘third molars,’ they tend to rise at the back of the mouth. Sometimes, a wisdom tooth usually grows without any trouble. However, often, these teeth lack adequate space to emerge and get entirely trapped in

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Best Foods To Eat After Your Wisdom Tooth Extraction
February 24, 2024

Best Foods To Eat After Your Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Wisdom teeth, better known as the third molars that, develop at the back of the mouth. They usually do not have enough space to fit in or grow, and hence, they impact the nearby teeth often, which is why wisdom teeth extraction should be carried out. Though wisdom teeth extraction is not a very painful

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