Bridge the gap in your smile left by your missing tooth!


Restore Your Smile With Dental Crowns

Say goodbye to the gap in your smile with a dental crown at Gnathos and say hello to renewed confidence!

Dental crowns and bridges are standard restorative procedures in dentistry. These are dental prosthetic devices that aim to treat different dental problems, such as restoring missing or damaged teeth. Whether you have a gap between your teeth or a broken tooth, a dental crown and bridges offer practical and aesthetic advantages.

Say yes to a perfect smile by making an appointment today!

Crowns And Bridges: What Are They?

A crown or dental cap is a simple customized cap placed over a decayed or damaged tooth. By doing so, the crown restores the tooth’s strength and appearance. On the contrary, a dental bridge is a permanent device that replaces missing teeth. It does this by securing the artificial teeth to the adjacent teeth or even dental implants.

The Role Of Dental Crowns And Bridges In Restoring Teeth

Dental crowns and bridges constitute a crucial part of restorative dentistry. Our dentists help patients elevate their dental health by using crowns and bridges to protect decayed or damaged tooth/teeth and avoid extraction unless necessary.
A dental crown is a useful treatment option to address dental problems like worn-out or broken teeth and keep harmful bacteria at bay. Crowns also improve the strength of damaged teeth and safeguard against further damage. As a consequence, the chances of any potential oral health issues are reduced.
Furthermore, crowns and bridges are the perfect solutions for missing teeth. These prevent misalignment and abrupt shifting of the other teeth and play a crucial role in maintaining oral health.

Benefits dental crowns offer in tooth restoration

A dental crown offers these benefits:

Restoring Tooth Functionality

Dental crowns are an effective way of restoring damaged or broken teeth. They provide durability and functionality, allowing you to eat, speak, and smile with ease.

Improving Aesthetics

Cosmetically, dental crowns enhance the appearance of teeth, boosting confidence when you smile.

Long-Lasting Solution

Given appropriate maintenance, dental crowns can last for several years, furnishing reliable and effective oral protection.

You need a dental crown in these situations

Extensive Tooth Decay

When tooth decay reaches an advanced stage, a dental crown becomes essential to restore the tooth’s structure and prevent further deterioration.

Fractured or Broken Teeth

Accidents or injuries can result in teeth becoming fractured or broken, requiring a dental crown’ssupport and protection.

After a Root Canal Procedure

Following a root canal, a tooth may become more fragile. A dental crown reinforces and protects the treated tooth.

Depending on your condition, we may recommend metal or ceramic dental crowns, which we’ll discuss below.

Types Of Dental Crowns

A dental crown, vital in tooth restoration, comes in various types, each with unique characteristics. However, choosing the right type involves considering aesthetics, strength, and suitability for individual cases.

Let us look at the key reasons why you need to prefer a single tooth replacement over other options:

Ceramic Crowns

They are known for their natural appearance. They do not contain metal, making them an excellent choice for those with metal allergies. The absence of metal eliminates the risk of a dark line at the gum line, providing a more natural and aesthetically pleasing result. Ceramic crowns are widely known to be a long-lasting solution. Unlike porcelain crowns, they are highly unlikely to chip or get damaged.

Metal Crowns: A metal dental cap

often made of gold or other alloys, is known for its strength and durability. Metal crowns can withstand heavy chewing forces, making them suitable for molars. While strong and durable, the metallic color may be a consideration for those seeking a more discreet restoration option. For this reason, a metal cap is ideal for molars and premolars that are out of sight.

Dental Bridges And Their Function

Like a dental crown, bridges become necessary for restoring both functionality and aesthetics. Generally, a bridge crown is recommended when one or many teeth are missing. As dental bridges are more stable, they are an excellent alternative to removable dentures.

Benefits of Dental Bridges

Replacement of Missing Teeth

Bridges are a reliable solution for replacing one or more missing teeth and providing a natural-looking and functional solution.

Restoring Functionality and Aesthetics

Beyond aesthetics, dental bridges restore proper chewing function and prevent surrounding teeth from shifting.

Crown And Bridge Treatment At Gnathos Dental

At Gnathos Dental, our highly qualified and experienced prosthodontists perform bridge and crown teeth treatment with the utmost safety. We offer compassionate and efficient bridge and crown teeth treatment using cutting-edge technology from start to end. With over 15 years in the industry, we have been offering world-class dental treatments and also have received excellent patient reviews. As a result, our treatments are quick, with minimum or no pain, restoring the beauty of your smile.

Here is what happens when you book an appointment for a dental cap or bridge treatment at our clinic

Step 2 - Tooth Preparation

To ensure a proper fit, a small portion of the tooth’s enamel is removed, and the tooth is shaped to accommodate the crown.

Step 4 - Temporary Crown/Bridge Placement

While you wait for the permanent crown/bridge to be fabricated, a temporary one is placed to protect the prepared tooth.

Step 1 - Initial Consultation and Examination

To start with, we conduct a comprehensive consultation and examination where we assess the tooth’s condition and determine the crown’s suitability.

Step 3 - Impression Taking

Accurate impressions are then taken to create a mold, ensuring the custom-made crown fits seamlessly with the patient’s bite.

Step 5 - Permanent Crown/Bridge Placement

The permanent crown/bridge is cemented onto the tooth, restoring its function and aesthetics.

Step 1 - Initial Consultation and Examination

To start with, we conduct a comprehensive consultation and examination where we assess the tooth’s condition and determine the crown’s suitability.

Step 2 - Tooth Preparation

To ensure a proper fit, a small portion of the tooth’s enamel is removed, and the tooth is shaped to accommodate the crown.

Step 3 - Implant insertion

Accurate impressions are then taken to create a mold, ensuring the custom-made crown fits seamlessly with the patient’s bite.

Step 4 - Temporary Crown/Bridge Placement

While you wait for the permanent crown/bridge to be fabricated, a temporary one is placed to protect the prepared tooth.

Step 5 - Permanent Crown/Bridge Placement

The permanent crown/bridge is cemented onto the tooth, restoring its function and aesthetics.

Why Choose Us?

At Gnathos, our experts have in-depth experience in providing dental crown and bridge treatment to clients of all ages and medical conditions. Our prosthodontists are well-versed in the latest techniques and dental equipment and follow the highest standards of quality for dental care.

So, if you’re looking for reliable and cost-effective dental crown and bridge treatment, feel free to visit us. Our expert team of prosthodontists is always here to help you out. After all, your happiness is our top priority. Schedule a consultation today.