Bridge the gap in your smile left by your missing tooth!


Experience Optimal Oral Health With Periapical Surgery

Step into excellence at Gnathos Dental to experience precision in Periapical surgery, paving the way for optimal oral health!

Periapical surgeries are performed at the root ends of the tooth. They are helpful in treating infections at the root tip or root apex. It removes the infected tissue, and a filling is done at the end of the root.

Say yes to a perfect smile by making an appointment today!

Understanding Periapical Surgery

A periapical surgery involves opening the gums, cleaning the infection at the roop apex, and sealing the apex properly to avoid any chances of further infections. It helps in the prevention of future problems and ensures the longevity of the tooth both structurally and functionally. There is no need to worry, as this is a minor surgical procedure done under local anesthesia.

Indications for Periapical Surgery:

A periapical surgery is performed under these conditions:

Without effective treatment, there will be painful swelling of the gums, loose teeth, and even complete loss of a tooth, as well as severe infections of the gum and soft tissue.
You can get back your optimum oral health and prevent the above complications with timely periapical surgery by an experienced oral surgeon.

A Peek Into The Periapical Surgery Procedure At Gnathos

Let us take a look into our unique approach for periapical surgery:

Step 2 - Treatment Plan

Based on the information, our expert oral surgeons chart out a plan and explain to the patient the steps involved in the process.

Step 4 - Anesthesia

We begin by applying an anesthetic to numb the area around the infected tooth.

Step 6 - Tooth Sealing

Then, we seal the tooth with a filling to prevent future infection. We may take an X-ray to confirm there are no other spaces for possible infection.

Step 1 - Initial Consultation

We have an initial consultation to understand the patient’s present medical conditions and to inform them about what to expect from the procedure.

Step 3 - Surgical Procedure

We then meticulously perform the procedure, which takes around 30-90 minutes, depending on the level of complication for each patient.

Step 5 - Tissue Incision

Then, we cut through the gum, move the tissue aside, and clean the infected tissue and root and also the canal inside your tooth.

Step 7 - Tissue Suturing

Finally, we suture the gum and surrounding tissue to facilitate quick healing and recovery.

Step 1 - Initial Consultation

We remove the damaged or dead tooth to allow the placement of the dental implant.

Step 2 - Treatment Plan

Based on the information, our expert oral surgeons chart out a plan and explain to the patient the steps involved in the process.

Step 3 - Surgical Procedure

We then meticulously perform the procedure, which takes around 30-90 minutes, depending on the level of complication for each patient.

Step 4 - Anesthesia

We begin by applying an anesthetic to numb the area around the infected tooth.

Step 5 - Tissue Incision

Then, we cut through the gum, move the tissue aside, and clean the infected tissue and root and also the canal inside your tooth.

Step 6 - Tooth Sealing

Then, we seal the tooth with a filling to prevent future infection. We may take an X-ray to confirm there are no other spaces for possible infection.

Step 7 - Tissue Suturing

Finally, we suture the gum and surrounding tissue to facilitate quick healing and recovery.

Gnathos’ Approach To Periapical Surgery

At Gnathos, our surgeons, highly experienced in periapical procedures, have successfully performed surgeries for patients of different ages and medical conditions. Our surgical team is conversant with all the latest techniques and equipment and tries its best to keep the patient comfortable, answering their queries and removing their anxiety. After completing the procedure, we give the patient, advice and tips regarding maintaining dental hygiene to facilitate quick healing.

Benefits Of Periapical Surgery

The main aim of performing periapical surgery is to:

Patient-Centric Care At Gnathos

What makes Gnathos unique is our commitment to patient-centric care after completion periapical surgery. We maintain transparency and clear communication with patients at every stage of the surgery, keeping them well-informed.
Our dedicated team places special emphasis on advising patients about post-surgery care and gives them tips on how to maintain their dental hygiene. We also stress the importance of periodic check-ups after surgery to monitor their progress and address any issues promptly.
Prioritize your dental health today! Take the first step and schedule a consultation for personalized periapical surgery solutions. Book an appointment with our team today!