Author: Dr Pratyusha

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  • Author: Dr Pratyusha
Discover the Magic of Smile Designing: Gnathos Dental’s Hyderabad Expertise
August 23, 2023

Discover the Magic of Smile Designing: Gnathos Dental’s Hyderabad Expertise

Did you know that your smile, a simple curve of the lips, can influence your success? Most people underestimate the power of a smile and its potential to shape their personal and professional success. If you happen to be one of them, you might ask, what’s so special about a smile? To answer your question,

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Deconstructing Wisdom Teeth Woes: 3 Root Causes and 1 Simple Solution
August 18, 2023

Deconstructing Wisdom Teeth Woes: 3 Root Causes and 1 Simple Solution

Have you noticed swelling on your jaw? Have you started feeling pain when you open your mouth and chew your food? It could be because of your impacted wisdom tooth. Sometimes, the pain can be so severe that it starts affecting your quality of life. The problems associated with impacted teeth can be overwhelming at

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Who Actually Needs Invisible Braces?
July 31, 2023

Who Actually Needs Invisible Braces?

Are metal braces ruining your smile and confidence?  Odd to see them in your photos? Difficulty and heaviness because of the braces’ presence? We all know that metal braces are a standard solution for aligning teeth, but they are unattractive, uncomfortable and cause sores due to the presence of metal brackets and wires. What if

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Top 5 Benefits Of Single-Tooth Dental Implants
July 27, 2023

Top 5 Benefits Of Single-Tooth Dental Implants

If you’re missing a tooth or it is beyond repair due to smoking, decay, or any other reason, the dentist might suggest dental implants to replace your missing tooth. A dental implant is the next best thing to real teeth as they look and feel the same.  Compared to conventional options like dentures, dental implants

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