Dental Bonding Can Help Restore Your Smile | Dental Bonding Cost in Hyderabad
Dental Bonding in Hyderabad at Gnathos is a procedure in which a tooth-colored resin material (a durable composite resin material) is applied and cured with a special light to “bond” the material to the teeth to restore or enhance a person’s smile.
Tooth bonding is an option to:
Dental Bonding poses no significant risk.
It is important to remember that the composite resin used in this procedure is not as strong as natural teeth.
Material may be chipped or detached from natural teeth. Crowns, veneers, or padding, on the other hand, are less likely to chip or break.
Eating ice cream, chewing on pens and pencils, biting your nails, and chewing on hard foods and sweets can break glued teeth.
In addition, plastic does not repel stains as well as other dental materials. Smoking or drinking a lot of coffee may cause discoloration.
Dental Bonding in Hyderabad | Tooth bonding cost in Hyderabad
Tooth bonding costs vary depending on the location and degree of bonding.
On average, you can expect to pay around Rs. 3000 to Rs. 15000 based on several factors including the number of teeth. The adhesive should be replaced approximately every 5 to 10 years.
The bonded tooth does not require any special preparation.
However, you should consult your dentist to find out if you are eligible for this procedure. However, in the case of a decayed tooth, it may require drilling to change its shape. Selection of the composite resin color using a shade guide helps in matching the proper color of your tooth.
Your dentist prepares the tooth surface by making it rough and then applies a conditioning liquid. This procedure helps in adhering the bonding material to the tooth. Next, the dentist applies the composite resin and then molds and smoothens it to the desired shape. To harden this material, the dentist uses a laser or bright blue light. After this step, your dentist further trims and shapes the tooth. Finally, he does polish it to match it with the rest of the tooth surface.
Tooth bonding may take around 45 minutes to one hour per tooth to complete.
Bonding may not work if there is severe tooth damage or tooth decay. Veneers or crowns may be required instead.
Bonded Tooth Care: Tooth Care helps to prolong the life of bonded teeth. Self-care tips include the following:
Brush and floss your teeth at least twice a day.
Avoid hard foods and sweets.
Do not bite your nails.
Avoid coffee, tea, and tobacco for the first two days after treatment to prevent stains.
Schedule regular tooth cleanings every 6 months if the connecting material accidentally chips or breaks or if the edges feel sharp. If the teeth surface looks rough after the procedure, see your dentist.
Advantages of tooth bonding: It is the best, most comfortable, easiest, and most affordable cosmetic dental procedure. It is less extensive when compared to crowns and veneers – which are customized tooth coverings manufactured in a lab. Bonding requires fewer dental clinic settings compared to veneers and crowns. The bonding procedure removes the least amount of tooth enamel. Anesthesia may not be required unless a deep cavity filling or drilling is required.
Disadvantages of tooth bonding: The durability of the material used, stains, and force resistance of dental bonding is not as good compared to veneers, fillings, or crowns. The composite resin used as bonding material can easily break and chip off the tooth.
If you are planning cosmetic procedures to correct or reshape your teeth and to improve your smile, talk to our specialist dentist at Gnathos Dental Clinic for the best cosmetic procedure – which is suitable to your requirement. There is a different procedure to correct your teeth depending on the areas of low bite and high bite pressure.