Gnathos Dental: Your Trusted Partner for Wisdom Teeth Care

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Gnathos Dental: Your Trusted Partner for Wisdom Teeth Care

Have your wisdom teeth been troubling you of late?

Are you struggling to get precise information about wisdom teeth and their care?

Do you seek info on how to deal with the pain and discomfort of impacted teeth?

Get all your answers and expert advice in this comprehensive guide, where we explore all the facts about wisdom teeth and the proper way to take care of them. Discover the best solutions to minimize your discomfort and pain. To start with, let us understand wisdom teeth better. 

You ill be surprised to learn that not every individual has wisdom teeth. A study conducted among a group of people found that only about 53.9% of them had one or more wisdom teeth. 

Wisdom teeth eruptlate, usually by the age of 25, but in some people, even at the age of 40, justifying their name since they appear at the so-called ‘age of wisdom’. They rarely cause trouble, but in some individuals, they may start causing pain or tenderness, requiring care at the hands of a reputed dental care hospital like Gnathos Dental, with the best oral surgeons for wisdom teeth removal.

Scroll further to learn more about the appropriate ways to take care of wisdom teeth and the steps to take when they cause pain or discomfort.

Taking Care Of Your Wisdom Teeth The Right Way

Here are some tips by dental experts that will help you take proper care of your wisdom teeth.

Dos And Don’ts For Wisdom Teeth Care

The Dos

  • Brush your teeth regularly: Two to three times brushing in a day is optimal for maintaining the health of your teeth. Be sure not to miss the wisdom teeth located at the far end of your mouth.
  • Floss twice a day: Apart from brushing, you should floss to clean the areas between your teeth. For those far-away teeth in the corners, try using a dental pick or interproximal brushes that are ideal for the purpose.
  • Rinse with a mouthwash: Ensure you use an alcohol-free antibacterial mouthwash to minimize the chances of a dry mouth.
  • Visit your dentist regularly: Timely checkups with a dental care hospital help monitor the growth and alignment of your wisdom teeth and unearth hidden issues. Through frequent visits, you can prevent potential complications like damage to other teeth or tooth decay. 

The Don’ts 

  • Don’t ignore warning signs like pain: If your wisdom tooth is keeping you up all night because of the pain or discomfort, don’t neglect it. Instead, visit an oral surgeon for a complete evaluation and the best possible treatment.
  • Don’t skip regular dental appointments: Schedule dental checks with your dentist and ensure you do not miss them, as it helps detect issues early on and take corrective action before complications arise.
  • Don’t perform self-extraction: Whatever the degree of pain you experience, you should never consider pulling out your teeth. Wisdom tooth extraction is the job of a professional oral surgeon, who will do it safely and effectively.
  • Don’t eat hot, tough, or sweet foods when in pain: If you suffer from toothache, it would be better to avoid hot, hard, and sweet foods or drinks to prevent aggravating the pain.

When to consult a dentist for wisdom tooth extraction?

When you have impacted wisdom teeth that cause pain and other dental complications, getting them extracted at the best care hospital is the best way out. 

You can get impacted wisdom teeth when your wisdom tooth grows at a right angle toward the neighboring teeth. It can also occur when your wisdom teeth stay trapped inside the jawbone or grow at an angle towards the back side of your mouth.

Source: Freepik

See your dentist if you notice any of these signs:

  • Tender, bleeding gums
  • Bad breath
  • Pain in the jaw
  • Swelling around the jaw
  • Opening your mouth is difficult
  • Unpleasant taste in the mouth

Complications That May Arise Due To Impacted Teeth

Source: Freepik

Impacted teeth, if ignored, can lead to the following issues:

Cysts: The sac in which a wisdom tooth can fill with fluid, damaging the teeth, nerves, and jawbone. This may lead to the formation of a benign tumor, requiring the surgeon to remove the tissue and bone.

Decay: Partially erupted wisdom teeth are vulnerable to tooth decay because of the difficulty of cleaning them properly. Bacteria and food easily get trapped between a partially-grown tooth and the gum

Gum disease: As it is challenging to clean partially erupted wisdom teeth, you can develop periodontitis, a painful, inflammatory gum condition.

Damage to neighboring teeth: A wisdom tooth pushing against other teeth may damage them or cause infection in that region. The resulting pressure may also lead to crowding among other teeth, requiring the expertise of the best dental hospital in Hyderabad to straighten them.

How Gnathos Helps In Wisdom Teeth Care And Extraction?

At Gnathos, our experienced oral surgeons regularly perform wisdom teeth surgeries with care and without complications. Usually, patients can go home the same day after their tooth removal as it is an outpatient procedure.

How to prepare for the wisdom tooth extraction process

Once our expert surgeon decides to extract your impacted wisdom teeth, you will have to come for a consultation, where we will take X-rays to locate your affected teeth. Depending on your needs, you may be given general or local anesthesia, nitrous oxide, or IV sedation. If needed, you may need to avoid taking some of your regular medicines before the procedure

How we perform the procedure

Anesthesia administration: First, we administer either local anesthesia to numb your mouth, sedation anesthesia to lower consciousness, or general anesthesia, which will make you lose consciousness.

Tooth extraction: Our surgeon will then make a precise incision in your gums and remove any bone blocking the root of the impacted tooth before extraction. Then, after stitching the wound, we place a gauze to pack the empty space. 

Post-surgery care: After surgery, we ensure your speedy recovery by guiding you on how to take care of the surgery site and the steps to take to reduce pain, bleeding, and swelling.

With these guidelines, you can prevent complications and infections following wisdom teeth removal:

  • Dab a gauze on the wound to absorb excess blood
  • For the first 24 hours, rinse your mouth with antiseptic mouthwash or salt water gently
  • Keep brushing and flossing the remaining teeth gently
  • Ice the affected area to lessen the pain and swelling
  • Consume soft foods only for a few days to avoid disrupting your blood clot or stitches
  • Avoid too hot, too cold, hard, crunchy, or spicy foods
  • Take 2 days off from work or your school or college to facilitate a quick recovery


This information should help you keep your wisdom teeth in optimal health and help you come to an informed decision about your wisdom teeth removal. 

For any wisdom teeth issues, you can trust the expertise of our skilled oral surgeons at Gnathos Dental. Our experienced team uses cutting-edge tools and techniques to make your wisdom teeth removal a less painful and hassle-free process and guide you to a swift recovery without unnecessary after-effects. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the benefits I can gain from wisdom tooth extraction?

The surgery will relieve the pain and discomfort that your impacted teeth were causing. It will get rid of any existing infections and prevent the development of possible infections or cysts in the future.

  • What can I expect after wisdom teeth surgery?

You may experience pain, swelling, and discomfort inside and outside your mouth after the surgery. Your jaw may also be a little stiff. However, these will last only for two to three days. However, our oral surgeon will guide you on how to reduce your swelling and pain, what food to consume, and what precautions you need to take while recovering.

  • Do I have to prepare for my wisdom teeth removal?
    No special preparation for the surgery is required as such. However, you need to talk to your surgeon about the medicines you take regularly so that, if needed, you can stop them before surgery. Understand the entire process of surgery, including the type of anesthesia that will be used. You will need the help of a relative or friend to accompany you on the surgery day.
  • Is it necessary to take time off from work for my surgery?

Staying off strenuous work is important after a wisdom tooth surgery for full recovery. It is better to take leave for a few days to speed up your recovery process

  • Do I need to go to an oral surgeon to remove my wisdom tooth?

Yes, an oral surgeon will have the essential skills and experience to perform the surgery and manage the anesthesia aspects carefully without any extreme complications. At Gnathos, our team has oral surgeons with the required expertise to conduct wisdom tooth removals.

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