Why Dentists Frequently Recommend Wisdom Teeth Removal?

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Why Dentists Frequently Recommend Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Why Dentists Frequently Recommend Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Ever wondered why dentists frequently recommend removing wisdom teeth, even if they don’t seem to be causing any immediate problems? These are the molars that erupt during your late teens or early twenties, and they cause a variety of dental problems as they develop. Knowing the benefits of pulling wisdom teeth can help to understand why this procedure is often a preventive measure for the preservation of your teeth and their health. Here are some reasons why it is more than just a routine surgery of having your wisdom teeth pulled out – it is an investment in your future.

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are the last set of teeth found at the very rear part of the mouth. They usually appear at the age of 17-25 years when the growth of the jaw is complete. This late eruption can cause several dental problems, and therefore it is important to have proper dental hygiene. Unlike the other molars, which are used to grind and chew food, wisdom teeth are usually a source of trouble because there may not be enough room in the jaw for them to come through correctly.

Common Issues with Wisdom Teeth

Some individuals do not experience any complications with the third molars, but for many, these teeth are a source of numerous oral ailments. It is important to be aware of these potential problems in order to make a sound decision as to whether or not to have your wisdom teeth pulled.

  • Impaction

    When the third molars only partially erupt through the gum line, they cause pain, swelling, and sometimes infection.

  • Misalignment:

    Wisdom teeth may erupt in abnormal positions and exert pressure on other teeth, causing them to shift.

  • Overcrowding:

    The eruption of wisdom teeth causes overcrowding because there may not be enough room in the jaw, which in turn affects the alignment of other teeth. One of the benefits of getting wisdom teeth out is that it can prevent such overcrowding.

  • Cysts or Tumors:

    When the wisdom teeth are impacted, they can cause the formation of cysts or tumors that may affect the bone and the surrounding tissues.

  • Gum Inflammation:

    The partially erupted wisdom teeth may lead to the formation of pockets in the gum that are easily infected and inflamed.


Benefits of Wisdom Teeth Removal

When it is about dental health, wisdom teeth often bring more trouble than they’re worth. This is why many dentists advise their patients to remove them as a measure of preventing further deterioration of oral health. Now, let’s discuss the main benefits of wisdom teeth extraction and why it is the best solution for your smile.


1. Avoid Overcrowding and Orthodontic Problems

When the wisdom teeth grow through the gum, they exert pressure on the other teeth and cause them to move, leading to misalignment of the teeth and the bite. One of the benefits of extracting wisdom teeth is that they can prevent alignment issues that require braces, among other treatments. It also helps in preserving the outcome of any earlier orthodontic treatment by preventing the teeth from shifting and thus erasing all the effort and time that was invested in achieving the perfect smile.

2. Prevent Other Teeth from Being Affected

The pressure that the wisdom teeth exert on the neighboring teeth is also dangerous because it leads to the weakening of the teeth roots and the wearing off of the enamel, making them prone to cavities and bone loss. Further, the third molars, which may be only partially erupted, are difficult to keep clean. This makes the formation of plaque and subsequent formation of cavities and gum diseases a high possibility. It is, therefore, important to have your wisdom teeth extracted since they will not only cause damage to your other teeth but also lead to expensive treatments such as root canals and fillings. This is one of the benefits of getting wisdom teeth out early.

3. Minimize Oral Diseases and Inflammation

The affected third molars also make a perfect home for bacteria, causing cavities and gum diseases. These teeth cause inflammation and infection that can be hard to treat and, if neglected, lead to severe conditions such as sepsis. Early intervention of wisdom teeth problems helps in preventing these severe health complications, thus improving the overall health of the teeth. Among the benefits of pulling wisdom teeth is reducing the risk of such serious infections.

4. Relieve Orofacial Pain

Wisdom teeth can cause significant discomfort by placing pressure on surrounding teeth and gums. Removing them can alleviate this pressure, thus reducing discomfort and improving overall oral health. Extraction can also relieve chronic headaches and tooth sensitivity that are often associated with problematic wisdom teeth. After removal, many people find they can eat more comfortably and enjoy a noticeable improvement in their quality of life. This is one of the benefits of wisdom teeth extraction that enhances day-to-day living.

5. Prevent Cysts, Tumors, and Jaw Disorders

Impacted wisdom teeth can lead to the formation of cysts and tumors, which can damage your jawbone and surrounding tissues. These issues can also contribute to temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, causing severe joint pain that can be difficult to treat. Removing wisdom teeth early helps prevent these complications, reducing the need for additional treatments related to jaw and bone health.


While wisdom teeth may seem harmless, the potential complications they can cause make their removal a wise investment in your long-term oral health. By addressing these issues on time, you can avoid a host of dental problems down the line, ensuring that your smile remains healthy and pain-free. Understanding the benefits of getting wisdom teeth out can help you make a well-informed decision for your oral health.

If you’re experiencing discomfort or have concerns about your wisdom teeth, don’t wait for the problems to worsen. Schedule a consultation with the experienced team at Gnathos Dental today. Our experts will assess your situation and provide personalized advice to help you make the best decision for your oral health. Book your appointment now to take the first step towards a healthier, brighter smile!

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