Category: Oral

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  • Category: Oral
Zirconia (Zirconium) Crowns in Hyderabad at Gnathos Dental Clinic
June 4, 2022

Zirconia (Zirconium) Crowns in Hyderabad at Gnathos Dental Clinic

Zirconia Crown in Hyderabad | Cost, Procedure & Durability | Gnathos Dental Clinic Zirconium crowns: Your tooth looks good as long as it is natural, but dental fractures, broken teeth, severely decayed teeth, and badly discolored teeth badly affect its natural form. Therefore, to restore a badly affected tooth, the most popular choice is a

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Why Is Oral Hygiene Important?
April 4, 2022

Why Is Oral Hygiene Important?

Why is Oral Hygiene important | Gnathos Dental The face is the index of the heart. Similarly, your oral health is the index of your overall health say, experts. In other words, oral health is a door that leads to good health. Do you know people who often suffer from oral health issues also have

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