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Bad Breath (Halitosis): Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment
April 17, 2022

Bad Breath (Halitosis): Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

Bad Breath Causes | Dr Suresh Explains Halitosis or bad breath is often annoying and embarrassing to deal with. It can also lead to social stigma, low self-esteem and anxiety. You may wonder what would be the permanent solution for your bad breath No matter what measure you take whatever method you adopt or try

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Why Is Oral Hygiene Important?
April 4, 2022

Why Is Oral Hygiene Important?

Why is Oral Hygiene important | Gnathos Dental The face is the index of the heart. Similarly, your oral health is the index of your overall health say, experts. In other words, oral health is a door that leads to good health. Do you know people who often suffer from oral health issues also have

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